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Legal Manager - Advisory & Board Affairs job at Pride Microfinance | Apply Now

Are you looking for Legal jobs in Uganda 2024 today? then you might be interested in Legal Manager - Advisory & Board Affairs job at Pride Microfinance

Kampala, Uganda

Full Time


30 Nov 2024

About the Organisation

Pride Microfinance Ltd (MDI) is a Microfinance Deposit- taking institution regulated and supervised by Bank of Uganda (BoU) under the MDI Act, 2003 and MDI Regulations, 2004. From inception, Pride has grown to become the leading MDI in Uganda, providing innovative financial solutions to the economically vulnerable people. Pride serves its customers through 34 networked branches spread across the country and 10 contact offices

Pride Microfinance Limited (MDI) is a Microfinance Deposit- taking Institution regulated and supervised by Bank of Uganda (BoU) under the MDI Act, 2003 and MDI Regulations, 2004 with a capital base of Ugx. 168.6 billion. Pride’s purpose is transforming lives responsibly. Pride offers innovative financial solutions to largely people at the base of the economic pyramid and serves its customers through 42 networked branches and 5 contact offices spread across the country and implements sustainability sound practices throughout its business operations to create a positive impact through three sustainability pillars; economic, environment, and social as well as contributing to the Sustainability Development Goals (SDGs) and their investable sub-goals that relate to microfinance activities.

Job Title

Legal Manager - Advisory & Board Affairs job at Pride Microfinance

Pride Microfinance

Job Description

Job Title:  Legal Manager - Advisory & Board Affairs

Organisation: Pride Microfinance Limited (MDI)

Duty Station:  Kampala, Uganda

The  Legal  Manager  –  Advisory  and  Board  Affairs  will  report  to  Head  Legal  /  Company  Secretary  and  will  be  based  at  Head  office.

The  Main  Purpose  of  the  role:- He/  she  will  be  responsible  for  providing  legal  advisory  services  to  Pride,  and  administrative  and  technical  support  to  the  Board  of  Directors.

Duties, Roles and Responsibilities


  • Ensure all  documents  with  service  providers,  business  partners  and  other  stakeholders  including  contracts,  agreements,  collaterals  and  others  prepared  or  involving  Pride  safeguard  its

  • Keep management  appraised  of  new  legislation  and  regulations  regarding  the  bank’s

  • Propose amendments  to  legal  document  formats  used  in  Pride’s  operations  for  compliance  with  new  legislations  and  best

  • Provide legal  advice  and  opinions  on  legal  matters  to  all  operational  units  of  the  bank

  • Provide legal  advice  to  Disciplinary  Committee  and  other  Committees  of  the  Bank  and  its  related

  • Represent Pride  in  any  commercial  negotiations  as  and  when

  • Review legal  documentation  for  approved  credit  facilities,  ensure  enforceability  thereof  prior  to  recommendation  for

  • Notify Board  Members  of  meeting  dates  and  invite  them  to  the  same  and  distribute  agenda  and  engage  management  on  action

  • Record and  circulate  minutes  of  the  meetings  of  the  Board,  its  committees,  shareholders  and

  • Provide guidance  on  legal  and  governance  issues  or  matters  that  may  arise  for  the  Bank’s  compliance  with  the  relevant  laws  and  best

  • Promptly advise  management  of  the  decisions  taken  by  the  Board  of  Directors  and  its  Committees  and  particularly  those  requiring  Management  action  and  co-ordinate  management’s  timely  submission  of  reports  for  consideration

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Qualifications, Education and Competencies


  • Bachelor’s Degree  in  Law  and  diploma  in  legal  practice  (LDC).

  • ICSA

  • Minimum 6  years’  experience  in  providing  Board  Advisory  and  support

How to Apply

All candidates should apply online at the Apply Button below.

Deadline: 30th November 2024.

NB: Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

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